• Meta-Converter 002
  • With the e-smog Converter, it is possible to vitalise negative information from all mobile telecommunications systems (incl. 5G), from LED and infrared radiation, and from devices and cables that produce e-smog.

    Product details

    The e-smog converter is suitable for use on all electronic devices, especially transmitters and receivers. The converter can be glued directly onto the device, or left in its packaging and placed within a radius of max. 30 cm from the device. The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Testing evidence and measurements

    subject was extensively measured in an appropriate laboratory both before and after the application of an converter! The subject was male, 46 years old.

    The picture on the left shows 39% health parameter in the body‘s condition prior to the use of the converter, whereas on the right, the condition with the converter, there is a health parameter of 68%.


    The spline map shows the electrical activity of the brain. Without the converter, on the left, very tense. On the right, with the converter, significantly more balanced.


    The gerontological curve shows - without chip - as a “biological age” 49 years, after the 20-minute application of the chip one of 40 years (“rejuvenation effect”).


    Conclusion of the Health Campus at St. Elisabeth University
    “With these test subjects we could once again show that the autocorrelation IVG, neurodynamic matrix, the biodynamic age, the spline chart brain activity, the health index and further values have improved on average by over 80%. This, after 20 minutes of using the converter!”             

    CHF39.90 incl. VAT
    12000 e-smog Converter 1x
  • With the e-smog Converter Dual Technology, you can promote your own field regulation and prepare yourself for the ever-increasing e-smog exposures from mobile telecommunications systems (incl. 5G), from LED and infrared radiation, and from e-smog-generating devices, cables and more.

    The new Dual Technology forms a symbiosis of two systems: the information technology on 24-carat gold and a blood-identical mineral mixture to increase your body's own bio-resistance.

    Product details

    Objective: The body and its cells can deal with the ever-increasing, non-thermal electrosmog exposure in a simplified way. A feeling of well-being ought to spread.

    The e-smog Converter Dual Technology is suitable for use on all electronic devices, especially transmitters and receivers. The converter can be glued directly onto the device, or left in its packaging and placed within a radius of max. 30 cm from the device. The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Dual Technology

    Scalar information
    24-karat gold is an excellent medium for storing and reproducing information. Thanks to the way frequencies act on 24-carat gold strips, the cell is provided with a positive information field. Bio-resilience sets in, and the body learns to deal with e-smog.

    The self-regulation of the body depends directly on the reflection of the biophotons. i-like has succeeded in developing a unique combination of blood-identical minerals and additionally enriching them with magnetites. This formula makes the reflective surface 30 times stronger. The effect of regulation of your own field is created. This activates field mirroring, and regeneration can occur.

    Conclusion: Bio-resilience and bio-resistance can be significantly enhanced.

    CHF49.90 incl. VAT
    12100 e-smog Converter Dual Technology
  • With the e-smog Converter, it is possible to vitalise negative information from all mobile telecommunications systems (incl. 5G), from LED and infrared radiation, and from devices and cables that produce e-smog.

    Content: 3 converters in the same package

    Product details

    The e-smog converter is suitable for use on all electronic devices, especially transmitters and receivers. The converter can be glued directly onto the device, or left in its packaging and placed within a radius of max. 30 cm from the device. The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Testing evidence and measurements

    subject was extensively measured in an appropriate laboratory both before and after the application of an converter! The subject was male, 46 years old.

    The picture on the left shows 39% health parameter in the body‘s condition prior to the use of the converter, whereas on the right, the condition with the converter, there is a health parameter of 68%.


    The spline map shows the electrical activity of the brain. Without the converter, on the left, very tense. On the right, with the converter, significantly more balanced.


    The gerontological curve shows - without chip - as a “biological age” 49 years, after the 20-minute application of the chip one of 40 years (“rejuvenation effect”).


    Conclusion of the Health Campus at St. Elisabeth University
    “With these test subjects we could once again show that the autocorrelation IVG, neurodynamic matrix, the biodynamic age, the spline chart brain activity, the health index and further values have improved on average by over 80%. This, after 20 minutes of using the converter!”             

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    12003 e-smog Converter 3er-Set 1x
  • With the e-smog Converter Dual Technology, you can promote your own field regulation and prepare yourself for the ever-increasing e-smog exposures from mobile telecommunications systems (incl. 5G), from LED and infrared radiation, and from e-smog-generating devices, cables and more.

    The new Dual Technology forms a symbiosis of two systems: the information technology on 24-carat gold and a blood-identical mineral mixture to increase your body's own bio-resistance.

    Content: 3 converters in the same package

    Product details

    Objective: The body and its cells can deal with the ever-increasing, non-thermal electrosmog exposure in a simplified way. A feeling of well-being ought to spread.

    The e-smog Converter Dual Technology is suitable for use on all electronic devices, especially transmitters and receivers. The converter can be glued directly onto the device, or left in its packaging and placed within a radius of max. 30 cm from the device. The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Dual Technology

    Scalar information
    24-karat gold is an excellent medium for storing and reproducing information. Thanks to the way frequencies act on 24-carat gold strips, the cell is provided with a positive information field. Bio-resilience sets in, and the body learns to deal with e-smog.

    The self-regulation of the body depends directly on the reflection of the biophotons. i-like has succeeded in developing a unique combination of blood-identical minerals and additionally enriching them with magnetites. This formula makes the reflective surface 30 times stronger. The effect of regulation of your own field is created. This activates field mirroring, and regeneration can occur.

    Conclusion: Bio-resilience and bio-resistance can be significantly enhanced.

    CHF129.00 incl. VAT
    12103 3x e-smog Converter Dual Technology
  • With the i-chip Converter Dual Technology, specific information codes are made available to the body in order for it to promote regulation of its own field, and thus be better strengthened for environmental pollution.

    The new Dual Technology forms a symbiosis of two systems: the information technology on 24-carat gold and a blood-identical mineral mixture to increase your body's own bio-resistance.

    For full functionality, the i-chip requires an electromagnetic wave. The combination of e-smog converter and i-chip converter is thus ideal.

    Product details

    The i-chip Converter Dual Technology requires an electromagnetic wave for full functionality. That is why the converter is suitable for use on all electronic devices (e.g., mobile phones). The converter can be glued directly onto the device, or left in its packaging and placed within a radius of max. 30 cm from the device. The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Dual Technology

    Scalar information
    24-karat gold is an excellent medium for storing and reproducing information. Thanks to the way frequencies act on 24-carat gold strips, the cell is provided with a positive information field. Bio-resilience sets in, and the body learns to deal with stresses from the environment.

    The self-regulation of the body depends directly on the reflection of the biophotons. i-like has succeeded in developing a unique combination of blood-identical minerals and additionally enriching them with magnetites. This formula makes the reflective surface 30 times stronger. The effect of regulation of your own field is created. This activates field mirroring, and regeneration can occur.

    Conclusion: Bio-resilience and bio-resistance can be significantly enhanced.

    CHF49.90 incl. VAT
    Out of Stock
    12110 i-chip Converter Dual Technology
    Out of Stock
  • The water Converter is used to build up the stability and order of water (declustered water molecules). By doing so, it brings back the original properties of water: lively, fresh and powerful.

    Service life: a minimum of 30 years

    Product details

    The water Converter is suitable for use on all containers for liquids, such as jugs, bottles and canisters. The converter can be glued directly onto the object, or left in its packaging and placed within a radius of max. 30 cm from the object. The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Testing evidence and measurements

    The Emoto Hado Life laboratory carried out an energymeasurement using the converter and water. Neutral water (see below, osmosis water) in a glass was vitalised for one hour with the converter. The result after one hour is absolutely astonishing and shows the wonderful changes that the i-like converter is able to achieve.

    Osmosis water was vitalised with the converter technology from i-like. The results are amazing!

    Before being applied, without converter.
    After an hour with converter.

    Although the two images on the right and left are made up of chemically identical substances, the change in information with the converters can be clearly seen.

    CHF39.90 incl. VAT
    12040 water Converter 1x
  • The vitalwater Converter is used to build up the stability and order of water (declustered water molecules). By doing so, it brings back the original properties of water: lively, fresh and powerful. The converter is suitable for vitalising running (or standing) water and is attached to the central mains water pipe.

    Service life: a minimum of 30 years

    Product details


    The i-like technology realigns the information in water. Water molecules become declustered and new, well-flowing information (Gu-Qi = food energy) is created. The result is very harmonious “informed“ water. The aim is to provide people and those around them (family, pets, plants, etc.) with living, energetic water in their own homes and for every source of water within them.

    Each person consumes an average of 150 litres of water per day in a normal household (Swiss average: 142 l/E*d [1]). This guide value is the basis for calculating the required number of converters per household.

    The vitalwater converter is suitable for vitalising running water and is attached to the central main water pipe. A pair of converters can vitalise 1000 l per day (daily requirement of house holds up to 6 people). If you use more water, please place the converters behind or next to each other (not on top of each other) directly on the pipe. If a filter system is installed, the converter must be installed in the water course after the filter. The converter must not be cut off or otherwise deformed. Protect from heat above 50° C. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Testing evidence and measurements

    The Emoto Hado Life laboratory carried out an energymeasurement using the converter and water. Neutral water (see below, osmosis water) in a glass was vitalised for one hour with the converter. The result after one hour is absolutely astonishing and shows the wonderful changes that the i-like converter is able to achieve.

    Osmosis water was vitalised with the converter technology from i-like. The results are amazing!

    Before being applied, without converter.
    After an hour with converter.

    Although the two images on the right and left are made up of chemically identical substances, the change in information with the converters can be clearly seen.

    CHF299.00 incl. VAT
    13015 vitalwater Converter 1x
  • With the food Converter you vitalise food, activate the water molecules in the nutritional substance and balance out negative information. This makes food more vital and bioactive.

    Service life: a minimum of 30 years

    Product details

    The food Converter is suitable for everything you consume, such as food, supplements, fruit juices, wine and more. The converter can be glued directly onto the inside of the refrigerator or onto the shelf or other containers. You can also leave the converter in its packaging and place it within a radius of max. 30 cm from the food.The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Experience reports

    • Star chefs report that, thanks to vitalisation with the food converter, meat is more tender and keeps fresh much longer.

    • Vinegar and oil experts report that with the help of the food converter, a 2-star balsamic vinegar gains the quality of a 5-star balsamic vinegar within just a few minutes.

    • UHT milk, which hardly has any “life” left in it, is revitalised when activated with the converter for 24 hours. The result is that the milk in an open carton ferments to cottage cheese after two days, which is the natural behaviour of fresh milk, as opposed to UHT milk which, without a food converter, only goes sour, but always remains liquid.

    CHF39.90 incl. VAT
    12030 food Converter 1x
  • The animal Converter provides pets with various pieces of information that are specifically tailored to their needs. Animals can thereby gain more vitality and balance.

    Service life: a minimum of 30 years

    Product details

    The animal Converter is suitable for all types of small animals, such as birds, hamsters, cats, dogs and more. The converter can be glued directly under the animal’s food bowl, at its sleeping place, in its stable, on its collar, etc., or left in its packaging and placed within a radius of max. 30 cm. The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Experience reports

    • Our cat always had to bite when you stroked it. Not firmly, but just to show he‘s the boss. This is not very convenient in a residential area with children. We activated his food with the converter. We wanted to improve his fur because he really loses a lot of hair. After several months his fur was perfect and he has become much calmer and gentler. He no longer bites and the children can now stroke him easily.

    • Our neighbours‘ dogs were always yapping and that was unpleasant. I found some pretext to give the neighbours an animal converter for a gift. Officially, of course, it was only to enhance their well-being. The result really amazed me. A few days later, my wife (who knew nothing about the affair) asked me: “Haven‘t you also noticed that the neighbours‘ dogs are much calmer now?” So I told her about the converters. She can hardly believe that it‘s due to this. But I am convinced that the dogs‘ change of behaviour is the result of the converters.

    • Our dog had been limping and was in chronic pain for a year. The vet could only help him with cortisone and we knew that this was not really good for his health. So we put a bandage with the converter onto the painful area and left it there for 10 days. He is obviously no longer in pain, now he is running and jumping around like he did a year ago. We have now attached one converter to his food bowl and another one to his sleeping place. That makes a total of three. But it was worth it. The result has left us really delighted.

    CHF39.90 incl. VAT
    12020 animal Converter 1x
  • The animal Converter provides pets with various pieces of information that are specifically tailored to their needs. Animals can thereby gain more vitality and balance.

    Service life: a minimum of 30 years

    Product details

    The animal Converter is suitable for all types of small animals, such as birds, hamsters, cats, dogs and more. The pendant with incl. animal Converter can be easily attached to the sleeping place, stable, collar, etc., or placed within a radius of max. 30 cm. The converter must not be bent, cut off or otherwise deformed. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Experience reports

    • Our cat always had to bite when you stroked it. Not firmly, but just to show he‘s the boss. This is not very convenient in a residential area with children. We activated his food with the converter. We wanted to improve his fur because he really loses a lot of hair. After several months his fur was perfect and he has become much calmer and gentler. He no longer bites and the children can now stroke him easily.

    • Our neighbours‘ dogs were always yapping and that was unpleasant. I found some pretext to give the neighbours an animal converter for a gift. Officially, of course, it was only to enhance their well-being. The result really amazed me. A few days later, my wife (who knew nothing about the affair) asked me: “Haven‘t you also noticed that the neighbours‘ dogs are much calmer now?” So I told her about the converters. She can hardly believe that it‘s due to this. But I am convinced that the dogs‘ change of behaviour is the result of the converters.

    • Our dog had been limping and was in chronic pain for a year. The vet could only help him with cortisone and we knew that this was not really good for his health. So we put a bandage with the converter onto the painful area and left it there for 10 days. He is obviously no longer in pain, now he is running and jumping around like he did a year ago. We have now attached one converter to his food bowl and another one to his sleeping place. That makes a total of three. But it was worth it. The result has left us really delighted.

    CHF44.90 incl. VAT
    12021 animal Converter inkl. Anhänger 1x
  • Because silver has the highest light reflection of all metals, this precious metal was deliberately chosen, and other precious minerals were incorporated into the Vital-8. Through the unique i-like technology, codes for “well-being” were stored on the minerals. Silver helps to transfer these information codes through its own field radiation. In symbolism, the number 8 stands for infinity, boundlessness, constant movement, the balancing flow of energy, and inner equilibrium. It strengthens the coordination, concentration, and learning abilities and activates and synchronises the two hemispheres of the brain. The Vital-8 is a harmonious and vitalising combination that is second to none.

    Size: pendant 35 x 20 mm, necklace length 80 cm (continuously adjustable)

    Product details

    The Vital Jewellery Collection combines the beauty of jewellery with i-like's technology. The aim was to enrich the jewellery as such with a certain attitude towards life. Quality of life you can wear!

    To that end, minerals were worked into the precious metal jewellery in accordance with the finest Swiss craftsmanship. These minerals enable information codes to be imprinted on and in the jewellery. Wearing this piece of jewellery means these codes can be received via the morphogenic fields. The goal is clear: well-being!

    CHF299.00 incl. VAT
    100100 Halskette Vital-8
  • With the indumic Converter, negative information from e-smog from microwave ovens and induction systems such as induction cookers can be vitalised.

    Service life: a minimum of 30 years

    Product details

    Microwave and induction
    Electromagnetic induction (also known as Faraday induction, or induction for short) is the generation of an electric field when the magnetic flux density changes. This process is being used increasingly in our everyday lives. Whether in the form of microwaves, induction ovens (open microwaves) or other devices. This speeds up the cooking process considerably.

    The indumic Converter is suitable for all types of induction cookers and microwaves. The indumic Converter is installed on the edge of the induction hotplate or on the outside of the microwave oven. The converter must not be cut off or otherwise deformed. Protect from heat above 50° C. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    An indumic Converter regulates Induction stoves up to max 1 square meter with max 1 meter. This means if the stove has a length of 1,5 meter and a width of 0,5 meter , than we have only 0,75 square meters, however if the length exceeds the 1 meter, in such a case you have to apply 2 indumic Converters. For private use normally 1 converter is enough. In gastronomy you often need more depending on how many induction stoves are used.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    13010 indumic Converter 1x
  • With the photovoltaic Converter, negative information from e-smog, which can arise when converting solar energy into electricity in the inverter, can be vitalised.

    Service life: a minimum of 30 years

    Product details

    Photovoltaic systems
    The electrosmog of a photovoltaic system occurs directly at the inverter. E-smog occurs in disruptive quantities where the “harmless” direct current is turned into alternating current. The change from direct to alternating current creates a stray field, which has a direct effect on the body cells of humans, animals and even plants.

    The photovoltaic Converter is suitable for photovoltaic systems that are located on residential buildings, stables, office and school buildings and much more. The photovoltaic Converter is attached directly to the inverter of the photovoltaic system. For larger systems with several inverters, one converter is required for each inverter. The converter must not be cut off or otherwise deformed. Protect from heat above 50° C. The converter is not waterproof (but is splashproof).

    Testing evidence and measurements

    The first measurement was taken before installing the i-like photovoltaic Converter on the system’s inverter. The second measurement was taken 30-45 minutes after the installation of the converter.

    Measurement Part 1:
    Health measurement: General state of health (Health). The mixed probability calculation of all relevant data of the overview measurement is being formulated. This shows a general tendency of potentials. Red indicates deficiency signs. Green indicates vital measurement results. Blue indicates the statistical mean value of the specified age (date of birth).

    Individual 1, male, born in 1961. Health measurement, base point at 9% shows significant deficiency signs and a high stress level. 30 minutes after the activation with the photovoltaic Converter, the level is already above normal level.

    Measurement Part 2:
    Four sections: A - Adaptation level (adaptability of the body/resilience measurement), B - Vegetative and C - Central control systems, D - Psycho-emotional status (stress level). Evaluation: the higher the measured data, the more stable the condition.

    Individual 2, female, born in 1964. 4-fields measurement base point level normal, psycho-emotional status shows stress. 45 minutes after activation with the photovoltaic Converter, better levels in all areas have been detected. Vegetative regulation (autonomous control of body functions) at the maximum, stress levels significantly more stable.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    13005 photovoltaic Converter 1x
  • The Room-Converter Plus emits six different frequencies. These resonate with the human energy field and certain physical processes and can therefore have a positive effect on the general well-being.

    Each Room-Converter Plus comes with a sinus Converter e-smog. Through specially developed information codes and the use of modern quantum physics (scalars), a resonance field is created to promote the body's own bio-resistance. In this way, we create a feel-good atmosphere for the body so that it is able to withstand the ever-more-powerful influences of electrosmog.

    Product dimensions: length 220 mm, width 220 mm, height 65 mm

    The Room-Converter Plus comes with sinus Converter e-smog.

    Discover more

    User Manual

    Product details

    The Room-Converter Plus has an effective range of around 25 metres in diameter. Within this area, six different frequencies are emitted, which can have a positive effect on one's general well-being. In addition, you have the option of activating additional information codes using sinus Converter cards, adapted individually to suit your needs. By transmitting different frequencies through the Room-Converter Plus, these information codes are made accessible to the cells (more precisely, to cell receptors) as receivers. The aim is to create an environment that is optimised for your body's cells and can have a positive effect on your personal well-being.

    The frequencies of the Room-Converter Plus are:

    8 Hz frequency
    8 Hz is the earth frequency and is considered ideal for charging the cells. In addition, the frequency is connected to alpha waves and can therefore have a positive effect on the alpha ranges.


    10.5 Hz frequency
    10.5 Hz is often associated with creativity, focus and the ability to learn. This frequency is intended to help stimulate the mind and promote a positive mental mood.


    285 Hz frequency
    285 Hz is intended to help harmonise and revitalise the body in a natural way. This frequency is associated with the activation of cell regeneration and physical well-being.


    432 Hz frequency
    432 Hz is associated with balance, relaxation and musical harmony. It is used as an alternative tuning for musical instruments and to create a deeper connection with nature.


    528 Hz frequency
    528 Hz is also referred to as the "love frequency". It can strengthen relationships, offer positive changes and should be perceived as calming and uplifting.


    741 Hz frequency
    741 Hz is associated with stimulation of intuition, expression of emotion and a clear mind. It should help to detach from negative energies and have a strengthening effect on the mind.


    Geomantic interference fields
    Many reports and measurements show that the body's own bio-resistance to geomantic interference fields is strengthened thanks to Room-Converter Plus (such as grid faults, aquifers, and others). However, this process may take some time.

    CHF2,990.00 incl. VAT
    1001501 Room-Converter Plus 1x
  • With the 25 Room-Converter you vitalise electrosmog thanks to information codes of the i-like technology. The positive effects are not only the vitalisation through information codes, but also the positive effects for all people, animals and even plants in the effective radius of the sinus 25 Room-Converter.

    With the sinus 25 Room-Converter, you have the possibility to activate different information codes according to your individual needs. The different informations are plugged directly into the slot provided with a sinus Converter. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the sinus device.

    The sinus 25 Room-Converter delivery includes sinus Converter e-smog as well.

    Operating instructions

    Product details

    The sinus 25 Room-Converter has a spherical emission of about 25 metres (diameter). In this effective radius, the sinus 25 Room-Converter vitalises all devices, light sources, transmitters, but also negative e-smog frequencies coming from outside. The body is provided with the 8 Hz frequency and information codes on the subject of well-being.

    Testing evidence and measurements
    Example: subject was extensively measured in an appropriate laboratory both before and after the application of an converter! The subject was male, 46 years old.

    The picture on the left shows the physical condition before use at a health factor of 39 %, the one on the right shows the condition with the Converter at a health factor of 68 %.


    The spline map shows the electrical activity of the brain. Left, without Converter: full of tension; right, with Converter: much more balanced.


    The gerontological curve shows - without Converter - a “biological age” of 49 years, after 20 minutes of use with the Converter it is 40 years (“rejuvenation effect”).


    Conclusion of the Health Campus at St. Elisabeth University
    “With these test subjects we could once again show that the autocorrelation IVG, neurodynamic matrix, the biodynamic age, the spline chart brain activity, the health index and further values have improved on average by over 80%. This, after 20 minutes of using the converter!”             

    CHF2,490.00 incl. VAT
    1001001 sinus 25 Room-Converter 1x
  • With the Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter and the sinus 5 GO, you have the possibility to activate different information codes according to your individual needs. The different informations are plugged directly into the slot provided with a sinus Converter. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    • 1 x sinus Converter sleep well
    • 1 x sinus Converter hawaii harmony
    • 1 x sinus Converter concentration
    • 1 x sinus Converter relax & regeneration
    • 1 x sinus Converter sport & fitness
    • 1 x sinus Converter food
    • 1 x sinus Converter animal
    • 1 x sinus Converter p-frequency
    • 1 x sinus Converter i-frequency


    Regular price CHF/€ 891.00

    Package price CHF/€ 699.00

    CHF699.00 incl. VAT
    30600 sinus Converter Set
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus or sinus 25 Room-Converter.

    With the sinus Converter e-smog, it is possible to vitalise negative information from all mobile telecommunications systems (incl. 5G), from LED and infrared radiation, and from devices and cables that produce e-smog. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10020 sinus Converter e-smog
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    The sinus Converter i-frequency is a unique Converter that, thanks to i-like technology, is able to provide your body with different informations. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10028 sinus Converter i-frequency
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    The sinus Converter sleep well provides you with information about letting go, recharging, and processing energy. The aim is a regenerative and vital sleep. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10021 sinus Converter sleep well
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    The sinus Converter concentration provides the ideal information for concentration and memory performance. Thanks to the activation of information codes, increases in cognitive performance can be achieved. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10022 sinus Converter concentration
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    Hawaii is considered the centre of our Earth’s primordial energy. With the sinus Converter hawaii harmony, these informations are made available to you. Enjoy the Hawaiian feeling at home! Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10023 sinus Converter hawaii harmony
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    The sinus Converter relax & regeneration provides you with information about regenerating, letting go, and living in the HERE AND NOW. Ideal for meditation, yoga, reading, and relaxing or simply for your well-being. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10024 sinus Converter relax & regeneration
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    Outdoor sports are particularly healthy. With the sinus Converter sport & fitness, you bring natural energy indoors and thus indirectly increase your performance and training success. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10025 sinus Converter sport & fitness
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    With the sinus Converter food you vitalise food, activate the water molecules in the nutritional substance and balance out negative information. This makes food more vital and bioactive. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10026 sinus Converter food
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    The sinus Converter animal provides pets with various pieces of information that are specifically tailored to their needs. Animals can thereby gain more vitality and balance. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10027 sinus Converter animal
  • Important: In order to use the sinus Converter, you need a Room-Converter Plus, sinus 25 Room-Converter or sinus 5 GO.

    The sinus Converter p-frequency is a unique Converter that, thanks to i-like technology, is able to provide your body with different informations. Insert the sinus Converter into the opening provided. The programmed codes are thus emitted in the effective radius of the device.

    CHF99.00 incl. VAT
    10029 sinus Converter p-frequency